We had friends over for lunch! And, our little friend stayed to play with my little ones. And, I totally meant to take pictures of it all, and completely forgot....it gets a little wild around here with all eight of us and I was struggling just making a pb and j sandwich let alone take pictures. Next time, because it is memorable! Between my friend and I, we have six kiddos ages 6,5,4,3,2, and 1. And, all the effort is totally worth it!
Anyway, like I said I didn't really further my spring cleaning plans yesterday, but, I was reminded of the blessing of living in fellowship with one another (beyond the one hour of Sunday morning worship). When you live in community with one another, others know your needs (like Murphy's Oil), your wants (like pretty Geraniums), and your likes (Coke, chocolate!!!)(....my friend surprised me with all these gifts yesterday!...thank you!) And, you know their needs, wants, likes, and you begin to minister and love each other like true sisters in Christ.
And, this is exactly why I am putting forth the effort to spring clean, simplify, organize, create a stuff-down-people-up-hospitality-oriented home. I don't want to spend my life maintaing my stuff. And, even though I have to work through some of my shyness and awkwardness with meeting new people, I want to spend my time cultivating relationships. Relationships are what matters for eternity...beginning with God, then family, and then others.
What a sweet, sweet friend you have! And I LOVE Murphey's Oil Soap! Smells so fresh!