Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fear, Flies, and This Female's Feeble Faith

Facing our fears by picnicking with flies, our soon-to-be friends

I found encouragment from Carolyn Mahaney's message to mothers entitled "The Lord is in Your Boat" .... She used the story of Jesus and the disciples in the boat when they encountered a storm at sea. From this story, she pulled three truths for mothers to preach to themselves in the storm of motherhood. (smile)

1. The Lord has taken you to this particular storm and is with you in the storm.
2. The Lord upholds you with His great power in the storm and will deliver you from the storm.

3. The Lord is strengthening your faith in the storm.

God strengthens our faith when we ....

1. Refuse to sin.

2. Apply His promises.

3. Stand firm.

Storms teach us about God and exercise our feeble faith. (smile again).

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