Monday, May 21, 2012

A Mind Stayed on Him

aren't these pictures beautiful??

Mothering is mental anguish.  "I should have done this."  "I should have done that."  "If only I could this."  "If only I could have that."  "Why can't I just this."  "Why can't I just that."   All. Day. Long.

I go to bed exhausted each night not necessarily from the demands of my children (although that is a big part of it!), but I go to bed each night exhausted by my 'if onlys' and 'should haves' and 'why can't I justs".

But, I was reminded of a verse this morning that brought help to this madness. 

Taking every thought captive, I need to stay my seemingly well-intentioned mothering thoughts back to Christ...what He accomplished for me.  What "I should have done", He did.  "If only I could have", He is.  "Why can't I just", He finished.  There is hope because all our mothering inadequacies have been paid in full at the Cross.  We can't add anymore or detract anything from His completed, perfect work accomplished for us.  We are only to receive this grace and trust Him and daily stay our minds on Him.   


  1. This is a beautiful post, Laura!

  2. And thank the Lord that He is the perfect parent, and can make up for any inadequacies of our own. He is faithful :)
